Instructions to Move your Fire Studio 7 License to Another Computer:
** If you want to keep any of the sim files you created on your computer(s), be sure to use the EXPORT function. Run Fire Studio, open each sim one at a time and instead of just clicking Save, click the Export button. Again, if they are not already Exported sims do this before moving them to another computer. This is also how you backup simulations also on the same device or moving them to a shared drive, cloud drive or external or thumb drive . Be sure to Export the sims to a folder that is backed up somewhere else in case of a hard drive failure, loss or computer theft. See this short video on Saving/Exporting/Publishing for more details and also able to tell the difference between just a Saved sim vs. an Exported simulation. Check our Video Center for more.
Here are the Instructions to Move your License to Another Computer:
First, you must Deactivate your current License on your current Computer.
Your computer must be connected to the Internet to proceed.
Step 1: Start Fire Studio 7
Step 2: If the License panel isn't showing, press the "R" key to see the license information.
Step 3: Click the "Deactivate" button.
Step 4: Answer YES to connect to the internet to deactivate Fire Studio 7.
Step 5: Once it is successfully deactivated, you can uninstall the software.
NOTE: If your deactivation fails you may not have admin rights and will need your IT department to perform the deactivation, or you may not be connected to the internet.
If you haven't done this already, you are ready to Install your Software on your New Computer.
For help with your installation view our Tutorial page online here: Begin with Accessing your Customer Portal, Installing Fire Studio and Activating your Software tutorials.
Once you have it installed on your second computer, you can use the same activation license/password to activate on that computer.