Fire Studio Help Center

How do I access my Customer Portal?

Rich Merritt
Rich Merritt
  • Updated


Tutorial Video: Click Here

Here is the link to the License Portal:



Use the Customer ID and Password Sent in your email.


You will be here. To download your software, Click on Downloads:




That will take you to here. Click the Download button:



Download the correct version of your software:




Back on your Portal, click on Licenses & Activations.



It will take you here. Click on the License ID number:



It will take you to your license details:


This is the License ID and Activation Password Use to activate Fire Studio when you start the program for the first time. If you ever need to re-download your software or your activation information, you can always find it here. DO NOT LOSE YOUR CUSTOMER PORTAL INFORMATION! Keep your login information in a safe place.