Fire Studio Help Center

Why Is My Fire Studio 7 Screen Flickering?

Rich Merritt
Rich Merritt
  • Updated

Addressing Screen Flickering and System Performance with Fire Studio 7

Some users have encountered screen flickering after installing Fire Studio 7, primarily due to an underpowered integrated graphics chip.

Graphics and System Requirements:

  • Fire Studio demands robust graphics capabilities. We recommend allocating the maximum horsepower within your budget for optimal performance. Key considerations include:

    • Graphics Card: Invest in a quality card with 4-8 GB of RAM from reputable brands like nVidia or AMD. This ensures smooth Fire Studio operation without burdening your system.

    • System RAM: Aim for 4-8+ GB of RAM to support Fire Studio's operations effectively.

    • Strong Processor: A robust processor empowers Fire Studio to handle heavier workloads, allowing smoother rendering of smoke and fire elements on-screen without compromising performance.

Integrated Graphics Chips and Performance Issues:

  • Integrated graphics chips like Intel HD and UHD (e.g., Intel HD 620 or Intel UHD 630) are commonly found. While some may run Fire Studio 7 on specific systems, they are not recommended. When pushing Fire Studio with increased fire and smoke layers, these chips may cause system slowdowns or even crashes.

Addressing Screen Flickering:

  • If experiencing screen flickering, consider forcing Fire Studio into Full Screen mode. Pressing the "F" key or using the "Full Screen" button within Fire Studio grants the program complete control of the screen. Some users have reported success in mitigating flickering through this action.

By prioritizing adequate graphics, system resources, and considering specific measures like Full Screen mode, you can enhance Fire Studio's performance and address issues such as screen flickering associated with certain hardware configurations.